Off and on during the twentieth century there were as many as four different automotive service stations operating on Main Street, each selling a different brand of gasoline and oil products. The building that currently houses “Montevallo Auto Repair” on the corner of Main and Vine Streets, adjacent to the UMOM building, is the last reminder that service stations once flourished in the center of town. It was newly constructed around 1952 as a new Pure Oil service station on a lot that had been the former location of one of the many stately homes in the Main Street district that became victims of progress. In her book on local history, “Montevallo, The First 100 Years,” Eloise Meroney indicates that the house that used to be on this lot was the “Harris” house in 1880 and later became the home of Mrs. J.M. Reynolds.

When the new Pure Oil station opened after construction was completed, it was new and shiny and attracted a lot of attention from local motorists. It had several owners early on, but after a few years, John Cunningham, from one of the earliest pioneer families in the area, became the owner and operator for many years. These were still the days of full service and John Cunningham, a good businessman and tireless worker, knew how to attract customers and keep them happy.
When Pure Oil transitioned through merger into the Union 76 brand, Cunningham transitioned with them and kept right on going under the new sign they erected for him out front. The building has had numerous occupants over the years since Cunningham stepped aside, but it has proved, year-in and year-out, to be a Main Street commercial survivor, consistently devoted to auto service and repair.

Thank you Clay Nordan, Vice President of Montevallo Historical Society, for this information!