CPA Charlotte Conwell and attorney Steve Sears have maintained offices in the building next door to the old Jeter’s store since the mid-1980’s. Steve owned the building for 30 years, but sold it to Charlotte in 2014. Long time residents of Montevallo remember that the building housed the Montevallo Drug Co. for about 30 years in the mid-20th century before moving into the new Whaley Shopping Center in the early 1960’s. Less well known is that in earlier decades, this location was also home to at least two other businesses selling drugs along with merchandise and services called “sundries,” which included soda fountain treats, toilet articles, tobacco, candy, and photo finishing. W.B. Strong sold out to Hendrick and Hendrick sold out to Cowart.

Pictured at left is Zollie Cowart, original owner and druggist of Montevallo Drug Co. outside the store in the early 1950’s. The man on the right is Herbert O. Milstead, Sr., who worked for Mr. Cowart as a pharmacist. Zollie sold out to Jack Sims in the mid-1950’s to focus his attention on Cowart Drug Co. in Calera.
The Montevallo Drug Co. sign suspended over the sidewalk shows the location of the building next door to Jeter’s store that we know from advertising evidence was the general location of a drug store from 1910 or earlier. A 1958 fire resulted in a change to the store’s facade.
Thank you to Clay Nordan, Vice President of the Montevallo Historical Society, for this information!